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Data privacy and security
Renaud Boisjoly avatar
Written by Renaud Boisjoly
Updated over 8 months ago

In order to perform what it's been designed to do, Studyo Go could require access to your Google Classroom and/or Calendar data. We recognize that trusting an unfamiliar company with your data, especially when students are concerned, is a delicate affair.

This article answers most frequently asked questions regarding how Studyo Go handles your data. If you have any unanswered questions, please contact us and we'll make sure to address your concerns.

Why Should I Trust You?

Studyo Go is made by Intuitic Inc., a company that has been incorporated here in Canada since 2014 and has been selling the Studyo platform to schools across North America.

Also, in order to be allowed by Google to request access to your personal data, we have to go through a verification process in which we need to demonstrate to Google why we need this data and how we use it.

Finally, Studyo Go is listed on the G Suite Marketplace, which also requires going through a verification process with Google to ensure our app meets the security and privacy requirements of the marketplace.

What is Studyo Go's Privacy Policy?

You can find a detailed list of what personal data we collect, the purpose of which we collect this data, and how this data is stored in our privacy policy summary.

Does Studyo Go Store my Personal Data?

Studyo Go stores some user data on its cloud infrastructure in order to provide its services. Here is a list of the data we get access to and store:

  • User Email

  • User Name

  • List of courses entered by the user

  • Any task entered by the user and any attachments linked to these tasks

  • A copy of the data imported by external tasks such as Google Classroom School Work, Resources and Announcements

  • Due dates and next steps for each task from any source

Personal data such as your name and email address, as well as app usage metrics, are sent to 3rd-party services in order to help us provide a great quality of service and customer support.

You can see every personal data point that we collect, and which 3rd-party services we share them with, in our privacy policy.

Does Studyo Go Sell my Personal Data?


How Does Studyo Go Make Money?

The company behind Studyo Go, Intuitic Inc, has been offering a complete organizational platform for students and teachers as a paid-for product to schools and districts for the past 10 years: Studyo. It is our main source of revenue, and we believe that schools who adopt the free Studyo Go product will discover the extra value offered by the Studyo Platform and eventually become customers.

We now also offer a subscription service to add some extra functionality to Studyo Go, such as connecting to Google Classroom. This also provides a revenue stream to the company.

Does Studyo Go comply with FERPA?

Yes, see this article for more details.

Does Studyo Go comply with COPPA?

Not quite yet, but we are working on it. See this article for more details.

How Does Studyo Go Use my Data?

Here are all the data access scopes that you must grant to Studyo Go, and why Studyo Go requests them.

See, edit, share, and permanently delete all the calendars you can access using Google Calendar

We need to see your calendars because Studyo Go displays your calendar events alongside your Classroom course work.

We need to edit your calendars because Studyo Go creates its own Studyo Go calendar, which it uses to store all your planned work sessions as events. For example, when you use Studyo Go to plan working on your essay Monday at 7pm for 45 minutes, an event will be created for that work session on the Studyo Go calendar.

We do not need to (and we don't) share or permanently delete your calendars. However, these permissions are part of the same lot: we cannot only request to see your calendars and create a calendar.

View and edit events on all your calendars

See above. It is not enough to have access to your calendars in order to display calendar events and create events for work sessions. We also need permission to view events on your calendars, and edit events on the Studyo Go calendar. We do not edit or delete events on any of your calendars.

View your Google Classroom classes

Teachers see a dashboard of all taught classes. For students, Studyo Go needs to know which classes they are enrolled in in order to fetch their associated course work.

Manage your course work and view your grades in Google Classroom

Students can view all of their course work within Studyo Go, including their grades. Studyo Go also allows them to manage these course work items, like marking them as completed.

View your Google Classroom class rosters

Studyo Go uses the class rosters to allow teachers to send an invitation to use Studyo Go to all their students.

Manage course work and grades for students in the Google Classroom classes you teach and view the course work and grades for classes you administer

When a teacher invites students to use Studyo Go, a course work is created and published by Studyo Go on the teacher's behalf.

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